After many months of discussion and deliberation, September saw the long-awaited start of the BCA brand identity programme.
The tender announcement back in June prompted an overwhelming response from the creative community, both within and beyond the cultural sector.
The tender was eventually awarded to Independent Creative Director, Jon Daniel, an acknowledged professional with an established career across the commercial and cultural sectors. Jon has wasted no time since his appointment and has been actively working with the team to establish a firm platform for the identity.
“I am extremely honoured to have been selected to help shape a powerful holistic identity for this unique and pioneering heritage organisation. It is an exciting project that unites my professional expertise in design and communication with my lifelong passion for celebrating and championing African diaspora history and culture”. says Jon Daniel
There has however, been an enormous amount of work which has led us to this point, and it’s important to acknowlege the teamwork, as well as the individual contributions that have helped us to crystalise the detail that will undoubtedly be expressed via the brand in the months to come.
Having joined the project mid-stream in 2011, I was warmly welcomed by the staff team and board members who were very supportive of the programme and excited by the potential of the brand in the wider commercial context. They had already consulted heavily on the key issues.
As the proposals began to roll in, we realised that these, and many other concerns were not only being acknowledged, but were also very skillfully expressed. Working alongside BCA Director, Paul Reid and other board members, the selection process allowed for unique insight into the wealth of creative perspectives that informed the challenge. All shared a depth of knowledge and awareness of the cultural exchange at stake.
“It’s important to recognise that BCA has a brand that exists. And there are already a range of associations that are attached to this organisation.”
Once realised, the heritage centre will represent an important space for dialogue, opinion, and debate. As creative challenges go, it’s about as good as it gets. A rare and unique opportunity that I am proud to contribute to, alongside the many people that have brought us to this place in time.
Black Cultural Archives would very much like to hear what you think of the new brand identity, please send any thoughts and comments to info@bcahertage.org.uk
Errol Donald, Trustee
Errol is a London-based branding consultant, business mentor and practicing artist.