Designer Dionne Gooding has designed Jamaica 50 shoes as a tribute to this once in a life time celebration.
Jamaica Fifty shoes in Brixton
Jamaica Fifty shoes’ touches down in London with 10 models wearing Jamaica Fifty shoes designed by Dionne Gooding unveiled on the streets of Brixton in South London.
Born in Britain of Jamaican heritage the Designer Dionne Gooding has designed the first pair of Jamaica 50 shoes and made to order Jubilee as a tribute to this once in a life time celebration. With temperatures peaking around 80 degrees, the colour and vibrancy of the Caribbean was on full display.
The combination of ten beautiful models parading the high-street wearing the exquisite eye-catching Jamaica 50 shoe proved a big hit with the public and drew in crowds of spectators.
Shoe Designer Dionne Gooding said: “Being of Jamaican heritage I wanted to do create something that reflected my culture and contribute to the 50th year of Independence.”
“I wanted to bring a feminine touch to the celebrations and as I am a shoe designer, the Jamaica 50 Shoes was a natural decision.”
The Jamaica 50 shoes have taken eight months to design and test before they were ready for release. I am very happy with the final result and encouraged by the public’s response in London today.”
Get your pair now! click here to order
High Flying Commissioner dons Jamaica 50 shoes.
Jamaican High Commissioner Aloun Assamba meets with designer Dionne Gooding who presented a pair of Jamaica 50 shoes to her Excellency.
Designer Dionne Gooding said: “I met with High Commissioner Asamba over a month ago. It was High Commissioner Assamba who spotted me wearing a pair of shoes at a business event. She was very complimentary and we agreed to meet up again.”
Following the presentation High Commissioner Aloun Assamba said: “I know exactly what to wear with the Jamaica 50 shoes I have a long black dress with a gold stripe, they will compliment each other.”
Visit Dionne Gooding for more information.