Celebrating UNITY in OUR Community
1st Anniversary OVAM OUTDOOR Market, in Powis Square Park W11
Check out our Stalls selling clothing, bags, books, natural creams , jewellery, bespoke home ware & more , take part in a range of workshops: Traditional African Caribbean Story Telling, Drumming
AfriKan Dance, Gestational Art, Afrikan Crafts,
Home Made Natural Refreshments & enjoy live performances by spoken word artists, poets, singers, drummers and other players of acoustic instruments:
Featuring * Heru’s Junior Jam *Jembe Explosion *Common Ground *Melissa Melody *Kyronne *Bunmi Hazzam *Shareefa Energy *JC Kamau *Caroline Archer *Got 2 Remember *Eyesis StarEarth Oneness & Ideal Artist
And then from 9pm until 2am @ The Flyover W10
for more music, food & the late night OVAM…
Club Skaaville & Roots Renaissance Family Gathering 2014 Presents 4 Generations, One Love, One Heart
A Musikal Medicine Event hosted by Asheber & The AfriKan Revolution Feat Legendary Sax Man Ray Carless
• Venue address: Powis Square Park London Notting Hill W11 2AY & The Flyover 3 –5 Thorpe Close London W10 5XL
• Tel: 07508 86 97 92
• Web: http://www.facebook.com/info.1voice
• Contact for ticket details and links: OVAM entrance Free
Club Skaaville & Roots Renaissance Family Gathering 2014 £10 on the door
phone:07958 54 99 15 OR Book online via Ticketweb
Check out Facebook event pages for update
Event date: Saturday 31 May 2014
Venue: The Flyover
Venue address: 3 – 5 Thorpe Close London W10 5XL