The League of Extraordinary Wordsmiths an evening of spectacular word wizadry, dynamic poetry and live music
The League of Extraordinary Wordsmiths starring shortMAN, Amen Noir, OneNess, ShakaRa and Tuggs.t.a.r. In an evening of spectacular word wizadry, dynamic poetry and live music.
ShortMAN merges rhythm and rhyme in an eloquent examination of black history, justice, equality and social issues. He has performed at festivals, on radio, TV and at potry events around the world including alongside the renowned The Last Poets. After a string of performances and the release of his self published material including hooded tops and his book ‘Rapoetry… In Print. S.O.A.R’ (shortMAN on a Rise), shortMAN started to win awards including the Aroma Poetry Slam title 2002, Farrago Zoo Award for Best Farrago Debut Performance of 2002 and The Hammer&Tongue Slam Champion of Black History Month 2004. He was also nominated for the Carlton Multicultural Achievement Award 2003, contributed toward the BBC Radio 4 Bespoken Word Sony Award Nominee 2004 and was nominated by the Urban Music Awards for the ‘Most Inspirational Act 2005’.
Amen Noir
Amen Noir has emerged as a leading exponent of lyrical wizardry over the last 2 to 3 years on the performance scene. With 13 years experience of working with young people facilitating mentoring, creative writing workshops and choreography, Amen tries to write in ways that young people can follow clearly and feel part of the moment. By using clever catchy concepts, such as his renowned A-Z pieces, Amen attempts to cover some of the injustices of the world in his performance and delivery, always putting the struggle and achievements of Africans forefront, and raising awareness where he can.
OneNess has been creatively documenting her experiences (or insperiences as she likes to refer to them) from a very early age and in 1999 she decided to combine her performance skills with her writing, blurring the distinction between truth and art; and between education and entertainment. She has since successfully completed a BA Honours Degree in Performing Arts further developing her skills as a performer and has been fruitfully pursuing her career in acting, poetry and workshop leading- introducing performance skills to a world of different people. As well developing as a performance artist she is constantly involved in supporting the betterment and empowerment of her community. This includes work with women’s groups, liberation campaigns, progressive grass root organisations and student activism
ShakaRa (Spoken Word Activist) is the son of renowned community activist Brother Leader Mbandaka and is an experienced multi-faceted performer. He has been a revelation in the spoken word scene since his emergence less than two years ago, and has become well known for his ability to address everyday issues in an exciting, challenging, and uncompromising way, that is both is both inspirational and informative. He was one of the featured artists on the No Bling Spoken Word Special (BEN TV) in early 2004, and was a Finalist in UK Unsigned Poetry Slam, Toronto International Poetry Slam, and winner of one Kat Francois Word Up Slams.
Tuggstar is an intriguing and exciting poet that epitomises everything ‘African British’. As well as spitting his verbal wizardry nationwide and overseas, Tuggstar has self published his first book of poetry titled ‘The Way Of The Word’. The emotive personal account features over ten pulsating and thought provoking segments of his work and is encapsulated in his first C.D entitled ‘The Africa E.P: From Here to There and Home Again’ an insight into African migration and identity crises during the post colonial era
Oval House Theatre Downstairs Friday 16th and Saturday 17th December 7.45pm An exciting fusion of various poetry styles and live music, this spoken word spectacular merges some of London’s most dynamic poets, from the theatrics of shortMan, word wizadry of Amen Noir, stage prescence of OneNess to the rapid-fire lyrics of ShakaRa and Tuggs.t.a.r. Together they aim to raise the bar in performance poetry once again.
They are soon to be a secret no more!
Tickets £12 / £6
BOX OFFICE 020 7582 7680
Address: 52-54 Kennington Oval, London, SE11 5SW
Transport: Oval Tube (one-minute walk Northern Line)
Access: Induction Loop; Upstairs Theatre does not have wheelchair access.
Car park: for disabled visitors, on-street parking nearby
Café: Open theatre nights for World Fusion food, Cocktails, wines, beers and coffees.
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